Who are you? - Read the about page for all you need to know and a snazzy pic too.

Where are you located? - Orlando, Florida home of Disney and Whale Jail.

Are you legit? - Absolutely, WCA is a licensed Auction business with the state of Florida. License #AB4055 and The Colonel holds the Auctioneer's license AU#5100. Both are up-to-date and active.

Do you do consignments? - From time to time but space is limited so you might want to get in touch and see what happens.

Do you do Estate buy-outs? - Absolutely! This is the preferred option. So get in touch!

Are you a one-man show? - You nailed it! Yes, only one dude here buying, selling, listing, and packing. Just keeping things simple around here folks.

Are local pick-ups an option? - At the time WC is focusing on shipping. Pick-up is an option for it would have to be a large haul folks. If it is a small item it is easier to ship.

Do you deliver? - Same applies above here folks! A delivery fee can be added to the invoice. However, the mileage range is limited. Again, get in touch.

Do you have a mailing list? - Yes, see the form below or follow through with auction sites and follow WC from there. HiBid especially has a very good email campaign BTW.

Tax ID? - Yes, see the terms and conditions for more on that.

Do you offer firearms, tobacco products, or vehicles? - Oh no! Not equipped, licensed, or interested in that. There are plenty of qualified people out there though so just take a look.

Payment methods? - All the basics! Paypal on this WorldCityAuctions.com site and others listed on the store sites and Whatnot. That said, if you're shipping address does not match your CC statement the item will not ship and the transactions will be canceled. Your account may be blocked as well.

Turnaround? - Remember this is a one-dude show here folks so give it some time. That said, expediency is the goal but give it a week to ship to be safe. So if it's a birthday gift plan ahead!

Returns? - Please read the terms and conditions page. This is not "Return City" nor is it Amazon folks! All items are offered as-is where-is just like any other Auction service listed on the sites.

Do you have a gallery or storefront so I can check out a lot prior to bidding? - Nope, this is an online auction service only. There is a warehouse but it isn't open to the public. Keep an eye out for changes though.

Are you a real Colonel? - Depends on how you look at it. Yes as an Auctioneer. Auctioneers are referred to as Colonels. Something to do which early auctions being performed by Colonels in the military... Not as a military figure. No stolen valor here folks!